Is the prices and availability accurate? is not responsible for typographical errors. If a price or quantity on hand are incorrect we will fix the error on our web site as soon as we update our site again. We have a catalog of over 950K products and our web site gets updated in a batch process that can range from 1 day up to 30 days before all products are updated.

Due to the fast change in inventory quantities as well as market prices does not guarantee that the product will be available at the time that you place your order nor that the price will remain the same for any period of time and, therefore, Impact Computers should not be liable for any losses or inconveniences as a result of such a typographical or stock error. If there is any change after you have placed your order we will notify the customer as soon as possible and a refund in full will be issued for the purchase price as well as the shipping and handling costs.

For costumers that require critical parts, large orders, or time constraint orders please call to verify price as well as availability of the products. reserves the right to cancel or limit the order quantity on any (1) item without prior notification. Large orders may require an approval or voice confirmation from the cardholder in order to protect the interests of our customers.

This approval may require additional verification which may result in the delay of the shipment of your order until such verification is made. reserves the right to refuse to do business with any individual or business without prior notification.

If you have any questions on order acceptance, price or availability call 1-800-797-7164