Shipping and handling

Worldwide Shipping
Our facility in Hollywood, Fl has the capability of shipping Worldwide. If your country is not listed, please email us at [email protected]
Shipping Charges (Cost to Ship)
To calculate shipping charges to your destination, including international shipments, please add the item to your shopping cart and press Estimate Shipping as illustrated below.

Transit Times (When will it arrive)
Transit times depend on the method that is selected at the time of ordering. For a full list of transit times, please click here.
Cutoff Time (Time to ship SAME DAY)
Assuming that the part that you select is physically in stock inside our warehouse in Hollywood, Fl, your order can ship the same business day, given that your order must be placed before 5PM EST. USPS shipments have an earlier cutoff time of 11:00AM EST. If your item is not in stock, please see the section below about Lead Times.
Lead Times (When will it ship)
Lead times can be defined as the time between when your order is placed and when the items leaves our facility. It all depends on whether the item is in our facility or not. For a better understanding of how to correctly asses if the item you want is available or not, please visit our Acceptance and Availability Page .