Sphynx error: [1064] index quicksearch: syntax error, unexpected $end near '' [ SELECT * FROM quicksearch WHERE match('*Ally 7" RC71L-ALLY.Z1X_512*') AND category not in ('Replacement Units', 'Special Notebooks') AND fmp_id in (1060517, 1060518, 1209338, 1210083, 1210084, 1210478, 1210479, 1210480, 1210535, 1210536, 1210537, 1210538, 1210539, 1210540, 1210541, 1210542, 1210543, 1210544, 1210545, 1210546, 1210547, 1210548, 1210549, 1210550, 1210551, 1210552, 1210553, 1210554, 1210555, 1210556, 1210557, 1210558, 1210559, 1210560, 1210561, 1210562, 1210563, 1210564, 1210565, 1210566, 1210567, 1210568, 1210569, 1210570, 1210571, 1210572, 1210573, 1210574, 1210575, 1210576, 1210577, 1210578, 1210579, 1210580, 1210581, 1210582, 1210583, 1210584, 1210585, 1210586, 1210587, 1210588, 1210589, 1210640, 1210641, 1210643, 1210644, 1210645, 1238653) GROUP BY fmp_id LIMIT 0, 20 ]